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Category: Flowers and Plants

Annual, perennial and interesting flowers with advice on culture, information, tips and recommended varieties

Iris foetidissima Stinker For Valentines Day

Iris foetidissima Stinker For Valentines Day

This is not the Iris for Saint Valentines Day! There are sweeter smelling plants but the seed heads of Iris foetidissima are a striking orange at the end of the season when there is less colour in the garden. Before opening the seed heads swell to a bulbous green head that cracks open to reveal masses of red, orange or yellow berries that the birds seem to leave alone of long periods well into winter.

The sword like leaves are very tough and this iris can thrive on neglect. Eventually clumps need chopping down as the centre becomes congested. Dead leaves need tidying but this Herbaceous UK native is evergreen.

Limniris – Stinking Iris Series

  • Plants with strong smells are often using the aroma to attract pollinators.
  • What is unpleasant to some people can be OK to others.
  • Iris foetidissima citrina is a pale yellow and brown flowering form
  • This is the only Iris that can be recommended for dry shade even under a tree.

Knock Knock?

  • Who is there
  • Iris
  • Iris who
  • Irish stew in the name of the law
Iris From Bulbs

Iris From Bulbs

For that ‘light bulb moment’ consider the two main species of Iris that will grow from bulbs. Bulbs are generally cheap and easy to grow. The bulbs are often packed in 10’s or 50’s so you can grow a group of Iris together or grow extra for cutting.
The main sorts are Iris reticulata and Dutch Iris but there are also some other bulb species to look out for.

Iris reticulata

Iris reticulata

  • The Iris bulbs growing in the photo above are a series of low growing, early spring flowering plants named after people like George, Natasha, Joyce, Gordon and Pauline.
  • Iris reticulata are early flowering Iris that usually appearing from late winter to early spring. The blooms vary from pale blue to deep violet with central yellow splashes down the middle of each petal.
  • These Iris are useful for growing from bulbs in pots or in rockeries.
  • Plants are low growing at around 6 inches tall.

Dutch Iris

  • Dutch Iris flower a bit later, than reticulata bulbs, in early June.
  • Dutch Iris are winter hardy and can also be grown in a cool greenhouse for cutting
  • The flowers are on strong stems 20-32 inches tall.
  • Oriental beauty is one of my favourite varieties shown below
  • Cream Beauty, Royal Yellow and White Excelsior are varieties that avoid the natural Iris colours of purple and blue.
  • Plant Dutch Iris bulbs every 3-6 inches or dig a wider hole and put 3 bulbs in together. Cover with 3″ of soil.

June garden 040 Iris reticulata

Tips for Growing Iris from Bulbs

  • The preferred method is to plant the bulbs in October 5-10cm (2-4in) apart at twice their own depth in well-drained, moderately fertile soil in sun or partial shade.
  • Most types of soil will suffice for one year for these bulbs. The flowers are already inside the bulb waiting to escape so they are almost foolproof in the first year.
  • Divide congested groups July to September after the narrow leaves have died down.
  • Try growing some bulbs indoors for early flowering by forcing. This is what florists do with Dutch Iris varieties.
  • Iris will grow well in pots or containers but if you want them to flower successfully next year they need a deep 8 inche root run to build up strength .
  • The dark blue goes well with snowdrops and they flower at about the same time.
  • Iris look good in rockeries and the top of walls.

June garden 038 Iris reticulata

Growing Other Iris Variety from Bulbs

  • Mixed bulb packs can give you a good show but look for Iris reticulata J S Dyt reddish purple or Natasha white with green veins and a yellow blotch.
  • Iris danflordiae flowers bright yellow 4″ tall.
  • Iris Histroides ‘George’ flowers are a plum purple and Katherine Hodgkin light blue with yellow crests and dark spots both 6″ tall.
  • Iris bucharia grow about a foot tall in yellow and white.
  • Iris lactifolia are ofter called the English Iris naturalise quite well

Iris joker

Useful Links
British Iris Society over 100 years old and going strong

Iris B

George Iris

Dutch Iris or Iris reticulata are small bulbs for pots or rockeries.
Flag Iris are big and blousy and grow from Rhizomes.
These pictures of different Iris are grown from bulbs.

Iris B

The reticulata group produce narrow, triangular leaves and a single, slender bloom per bulb.
Flowers are principally in shades of blue and purple, often with an attractively contrasting orange or yellow mark at the top of the fall.
Iris histrioides ‘George’ is proving to be a good Iris shown top.

Iris Frans Hals

Iris Franz Hals above or you could try the unusual Iris ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ below. Its exotic colouring of cream overlaid with a blend of light yellow and greeny-blue comes from its parents.

Iris joker

One of the earliest flowering bulbs is this Iris Reticulata. It makes a lovely rockery bulb. It is low growing, though the flowers are as beautiful as anything you might see in summer. The foliage is also delicate and attractive.

The flower can vary in colour from this deep purple to yellow like below.

Tips for Growing Iris Reticulata

Plant in autumn at a depth of *2 or *2.5 the bulb height. They aren’t too fussy, though a good drained soil helps. To make the most of the flowers, try planting with a layer of light coloured gravel. This helps prevent soil splashing the flowers and also shows off the dark coloured flowers better.

These photos were taken at St John’s College Oxford on 17th February. They are in a rockery above ground level, which helps you to appreciate their beauty.


We are covered in snow and the small local roads are blocked. At least the snow is providing a blanket for the early spring bulbs to continue developing. One of my favouirite blooms is that of the Iris in this case grown from a bulb. Later on the rhizomas varieties will also add colour to the garden but in the meantime I eagerly anticipate the arrival of my Iris.


The outer petals are called the falls and on some varieties the ‘beard’ shows here with small hairs. The upright part are the ‘Standard’ which are most striking on Flag Iris.

One of the earliest flowering bulbs is this Iris Reticulata. It makes a lovely rockery bulb. It is low growing, though the flowers are as beautiful as anything you might see in summer. The foliage is also delicate and attractive.

The flower can vary in colour from this deep purple to yellow like below.

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Iris is the Rainbow Goddess

Iris is the Rainbow Goddess

Iris reticulata

Iris flowers are named after the Greek Goddess of the rainbow, which is appropriate for their extensive range of colours.

There are many different varieties of Iris The most common is the German Bearded Iris’ which include a range of different cultivatars.

  • Provided they are grown in a suitable location, Iris provide a good low maintenance display.
  • The main thing is to ensure the soil has good drainage. If the bulbs become waterlogged there is a risk of the bulb rotting. (apart from the varieties which are grown on pond edges.
  • Iris enjoy full sun or partial sun.
  • The Iriz rhizomes should be planted at or just above soil level.
  • Iris bulb varieties should be planted 2-3 times the depth of the bulb size.
  • I. unguicularis is a good variety for offering flowers in early winter when flowers are rare. These need a sheltered, sunny and free draining spot.

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Stonking Good Blue Flowers

Stonking Good Blue Flowers


True blue flowers are hard to find in many gardens although Purple, Lavender, Lilac, Mauve and Violet exist in many shades. Since there are no true blue Roses, Peonies, Dahlias, Daffodils or even Tulips these showy flowers are out. So if you find a good strong blue then stick to it and use it with great abandon.

This Delphinium was in our garden 20 years ago when we arrived and it has given great service. Unlike my spade that has had 2 new blades and 6 new handles the Delphinium is the original stock. Give or take an occassional cutting it is as new each summer with its tall spires of the strongest, clearest blue you could desire.

Good blue plants include Ceanothus impressus, Corydalis flexuosa and the Gentians. In bulbs there are blue Muscari, ChionodoxaƂĀ  and the Agapanthus. Hydrangea macrophylla Blue Wave is one of the bluer hydrangea but most plants labeled or called blue are pale imitations.

If your favouirite plant is missing from this list let me know.

Light blue variety of Ceanouthus. There are some good dark blue varieties.



Gentiana The dark blue to indigo flowering Gentian.

Campanula Family for the Rockery

Campanula Family for the Rockery

One of the smaller varieties of Campanula should ring a bell for rockery or alpine gardeners. Canterbury Bells have been grown in the UK since the middle ages. The bell shape is created by a cup shaped flower with the edges divided in strips usually creating 5 petals


The bell flowers of Campanula come in many sizes upto 15 foot tall in the case of Campanula pyramidalis grown as a pot plant. The smaller low growing plants are more suitable for the Rockery or Alpine garden. The above example is growing in the space at the top of a low retaining wall and has been there very happily for at least 20 years. These varieties love good drainage.

Campanula Facts and Tips

  • The smallest Campanulas hug the ground and throw up flower stalks only a couple of inches. Campanula censia, C. excisa, C. pulla and C. Pusilla fit this category.
  • Campanula gargancia despite its name and C. rupestris have clusters of tiny star flowers that hug the ground.
  • All the miniature kinds of Campanula are at home in cool, semi-shaded nooks in the lower levels of the rockery.
  • Still diminutive in stature Campanula allioni or C. carpathica have larger saucer shaped flowers upto one foot tall.
  • Camapanula rotundifolia has blue, white or double forms.
  • Tufted and prostrate forms dived with ease in September. Those with errect stems need to be grown from cuttings.
  • Campanula barbata is biennial but the low growing C. aucheri is perennial and both have a long tap root that protects them from bad weather conditions.

Book Cover

‘More than 200 Campanula species and hybrids are described, and specialists and collectors will delight in the descriptions of rare and little-documented plants’
Dwarf Campanula by Graham NicholsĀ Ā 

Look out for seed of your chosen varieties atĀ  special shows or from the Alpine society membership scheme.

Read Growing Campanula and cockleshells on Gardening Tips

Leeks and Pot Leeks

Leeks and Pot Leeks

Starter Tips

  • Grow culinary leeks in ground with well rotted compost that hasn’t cropped leeks for the past 3 years.
  • Sow autumn and winter varieties in deep pots during late March or April
  • Transplant in June-July so about two thirds of the plant is buried increasing the length of blanching.
  • For average sized leeks plantĀ  6 inches apart in rows a foot apart.
  • Nitrogen fertiliser in autumn helps winter growth
  • Grow Pot Leeks for competitions prevalent in the North East of England.


I first went to a Leek show in the North East one September about 40 years ago and the Pot Leeks on show were really something to behold.
It is an art, a science and a bit of black magic that helps create a show stopper in this region renown for its prize leeks.
Pot leek exhibition standards require a blanch of up to 6inchĀ which can give a circumference of 28″. Intermediates are up to 14″ blanched length and Long leeks are anything in excess of this.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  For eating purposes, size is much less important than flavour. We willĀ  concentrate on normal garden culture for flavour.

Leek flags

Tips on starting to grow Leeks

  • Seeds can be sown in Mid march until June as the plants like a long growing season.
  • Set out the plants at the end of May.
  • A quick and easy start can be made by buying seedlings from a nursery or market stall.
  • Read More Read More

Sunflowers for Display and Cutting

Sunflowers for Display and Cutting

Sunflowers look great in a vase but are heavy drinkers and need conditioning in a dark place overnight after cutting.

Valentine Sunflower

I have tended to drift away from growing Sunflowers but now I think my reasons may not be correct.
I tended to grow tall varieties which produce one or few flowers. They were showy but needed support from the wind in our northern hills.
The knew the space was better dedicated to other plants and the only sunflowers that grew this year were self sown from our bird feeders (and the flowers were small weedy efforts that I should have pulled up).

North Carolina University Sunflower trials

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Gentians I Have Known

Gentians I Have Known


I have a phobia or total lack of ability when it comes to growing Gentians. Because I expect to fail I have done so many many times and now I avoid Gentians like I wanted to avoid Gentain Violet bactericide as a child. (The purple dye you mum stained on cuts)

Gentian Facts

  • The Gentians are evocative of the mountains (and that should tell me something about there cultivation).
  • The majority of species flower in the deep, intense shade of blue for which Gentains are renown. ( New Zealand Gentians are white and there is a yellow Peruvian variety).
  • Larger Gentians have 5 petals in a trumpet shape whilst smaller varieties have 5 petals that open like a star.
  • In general European varieties flower in spring whilst the ‘easier’ Asian varieties flower in Autumn.
  • This is a large genus with over 400 species and varieties.

Growing Tips

    • Gentians are fiercely lime hating and require moist but fast draining soil.
    • Gentians are thought to be difficult to grow outside their wild habitat.
    • Good clumps of root should be planted out between October and February.
    • Once established the less the plants are meddled with the better
    • Top species to grow in England include Gentain Acaulis, Gentian verna, the spring Gentian and Gentian septemfida theĀ  Crested Gentian.
    • Gentiana sino-ornata is not only one of the easiest and most reliable, but also one of the loveliest with spectacular colour

The flower that is most evocative of mountain scenery must be the the Gentian with its alpine associations. Gentians make me blue in the face because I fail every time I try to grow these sumptuous blue flowers.

Here are some of the reasons I have failed:

      • Gentians are known to be difficult to transplant .
      • When seed is sown, it should be fresh or it will not germinate & grow.
      • All Gentians prefer partial shade for at least some of the day.
      • The Fringed Gentiana is a biennial variety which is extremely difficult to grow. I have been guilty of lumping all Gentians under one species as though it was a perennial, acid hating alpine. How wrong I was each variety needs to be understood in its own right.gentian
      • I have failed to provide adequate drainage, most Gentians need gritty alpine conditions
      • The Closed Gentiana may be grown in moist meadows but have no lime in the soil.
      • Winter sow in coldframe or unheated greenhouse with ventilation
      • The Gentianella is an easy sort to grow requiring limestone added to the soil.

I resolve to try again in my Rockery. Perhaps with American, Australian and Japanese hybrids.




Daily Dahlias

Daily Dahlias

2023 has been a top year for Dahlias The garden was disrupted by an impending downsizing house move but the quantity of flowers was excellent even after some neglect.
A second plus was the plants I gave away to friends who seemed to appreciate the performance in pots or direct in the ground.

For Christmas I want a garden suitable for for Dahlias and perhaps some new tubers.

Colour me Garden

Colour me Garden

One of the most interesting aspects of gardening is the combination of colours that can be achieved by accident or design.
Leaves and bark can play their part but it is the bold colours of some of our favourite flowers that take centre stage.


Sometimes, we like the delicate, soothing pastel shades or the zen of a ‘White Garden‘ but, this doesn’t mean we always have to follow decorum and good taste. Sometimes its nice to just choose great impact colours which add life, zest and sparkle to the garden. The kind of colour combination that makes a passerby think – ‘hmm that’s interesting’

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