Grow Green Tulips

Grow Green Tulips

It is almost too late to plant your tulips for this year but if you have some unplanted bulbs get them into the ground before the worst frosts.

Take a note book when you visit a spring garden and record the plants you want to grow for next year. When the Tulips are in flower look for those with a green band particularly on the outer petals as this adds a new dimension to your traditional tulip.

Types of Green Tulips

  • Viridiflora Tulips can have a lot of green on the outer petals. ‘Florosa’ is a pink and white with a slim and elegant lily shaped flower. ‘Spring  Green’ is cream and ‘Greenland’ is rose but my favourite is the terracotta coloured ‘Artist’
  • Amongst Parrot tulips ‘Super Parrot’ has ivory and green petals that look a bit like a leaf and make a good cut flower.
  • Some of the new multi-flowered tulips have green tinges like ‘Ester Rynveld’ and ‘Greenwave’
  • Traditional cottage tulip ‘Palestrina’ combines Salmon pink with  a green vertical band.
  • Fosteriana are very early flowering and ‘Exotic Emperor’ is one of the best. See pictures on Tulips in the Wood
  • ‘Doll Minuet’ is a deep pink flower with a rich green at the base of each petal.

Tulip viridiflora


More Sources

Cut Flower Tulip varieties

More Scented Tulip varieties

Reasons to Order Tulips

4 thoughts on “Grow Green Tulips

  1. I enjoyed this roundup on “green” tulips – you’re right, there are many more greenies than just the viridifloras, I’d never thought to connect them in this way. And thanks for linking to my photo of “Exotic Emperor”.

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