Questions on Gardening
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80 thoughts on “Questions on Gardening”
I have a crocosmia lucifer which is growing well but the leaves are getting damaged by something. Holes are appearing along the length of the leaves. Is this a pest or a disease. Any ideas anyone.
A Very new Gardener
Check on the underside of the leaves for beetles or grubs. You can make organic sprays from infusions of strongly scented plants like garlic or Lavender
I would like to ask if there are specific times of the day that you can only water the plants to maximize their growth.
Thanks for being open for questions about gardening because I really want to grow more of our own plants in the next few months.
Watering in an evening gives plants a long cool drink and no night time stress. If you are an early bird dawn is also OK before soil gets too hot.
is a sedum lemon ball ediable hurb?
Which is the best way and when is the best timeto grow aubretia from seed. What compost should I use – thanks
Thanks for this query. See new post growing aubretia from seed
how can i get rid of selfheal weed which has taken over half of my lawn?
As a newcomer to gardening, I have planted a perennial nemesia which is absolutely beautiful. Can someone please tell me how to care for it and what to do when it has stopped flowering. Do I cut back, or leave it in the autumn/spring etc. Do clumps need splitting and how often.
It can be very persistent in lawns and flowers and seeds even if cut very close.
I think you are left with using a selective herbicide – one application may be enough.
we brought a new standard rose last year………it did not bloom,vigaras growth and healthy,this tear it has not bloomed again and no buds at all,it still looks very healthy,can ou tell us why.
thank you in in advance
Sheil Grant
If you are disappointed go and tell your nursery or garden centre and ask for a refund.
It is possible that a new rose was grafted on to the top of the standard and it has not taken so you have the old plants growing like a sucker. Most cultivated roses have 5 leaves whilst briars for stock have 7 leaves.
See also why hasn’t it flowered
We have just started growing our own flowers and veg. My sweet peas have pea pods on them, do I save these to sow again and if so at what stage do I pick them.
I work for Crest Publications, we launched an exciting new website earlier this month called that i thought would be of interest to you. is a new online discount directory for the gardening, grow your own and allotment community. We have persuaded lots of popular horticultural retailers to offer discounts, freebies, savings and benefits to our members -this means that you NEVER have to pay full price for your gardening supplies again!
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Now is live all we need to do is let the gardening community know that these discounts are available to them (Its free for them to join!)
We do not have a budget to advertise but are currently sharing links with lots of societies and associations (such as the RHS, the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners, National Vegetable society, British Chilli growers association, Garden organic and many more!) I hope that fellow gardeners that publish blogs (like yourself) will help spread the word of so that everyone can enjoy the discounts we have negotiated as this site really can save you a lot of money and will certainly benefit your followers!
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I really do hope that you will mention in your blog and i am happy to supply a logo or images if you do decide you would like to include a mention. Just let me know if you need them…
Please let me know if you are able to mention the site as i would be extremely grateful in your help in spreading the word! I hope you enjoy the discounts we have negotiated so far. Lots more to follow!
Many Thanks
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I have two 3ft high white and blue bellflower plants now the flowers are faded and just leaving seed heads. I would like to know do they have to be cut down to base or just remove the seed heads. Thank You. Maureen Blagbrough.
How do you get rid of mare’s tails weed its spreading everywhere!!
Read our page on Horses Tale
I cut them down by half. Some flower again others are just building up strength fpor next season.
To get Sweet peas to keep flowering you need to keep picking them before the pods form!
If they are beginning to swell it may be best to leave them now and collect the seed for next year as the pods begin to dry and go brown and crispy in September.
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