Worms for Gardeners

Worms for Gardeners

Book Cover

We all know worms are good for soil and they are an important part of the natural life cycle in your garden.
They help recycle fallen plant matter and excrete fertile worm casts.
Worms help air get into the soil.
Worms can help break up clay soil.
How often do we care for our worms?

What Kills Worms

  • Worms can drown in waterlogged soil.
  • Worms can die from drought in sandy soil.
  • ultraviolet light, lack of moisture, extreme acid or alkaline conditions.
  • Lack of food , lack of air and bad  drainage.
  • Some pesticides, chemical fertilizers, household cleaners and chemicals including detergents.
  • Birds, red spider mites, mole and other critters.

With that list it is surprising we have any worms at all. Still now you know what to avoid. For more help read Lorene Nancarrows book.

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