The Best Value Bulbs are Crocus
In my opinion the best value bulbs are crocus. In my garden I think they give more colour and less work than other bulbs for the same money. Crocus are best value bulbs partially because they are long lived and in good conditions form large clumps.
Crocus may be the best value bulbs because they produce stunning colour at the start of spring. Snowdrops are brilliant but the white flowers and green leaves can not compare to the bright yellow and purples of the crocus. Even white crocus have startling yellow stamen.
Best value bulbs are crocus not the best value bulbs come from Crocus. What a clever name for an online garden supplies company. As you know we prefer our affiliates Jersey Plants and Thompson & Morgan but there is room for all these businesses to supply the keen gardener.
Massed crocus are popular in public parks as they are best value bulbs for growing in grass. The leaves die back soon enough not to worry about mowing. I leave some patches unmown for 4-6 weeks to give them more energy for next year.
Crocus are a group of plants in the Iridaceae or iris family. On flickr you can view lots of crocus or see the best top 25