Growing Roses

Growing Roses

Yellow Roses
Yellow Roses

Roses enjoy a rich well fertilised soil. They have deep roots, but, in dry weather they may need a heavy watering to avoid drying out – especially when in flowering season.

Roses are prone to a variety of diseases such as black spot and more serious fungal diseases. The most common cause of disease is infestation by greenfly or black fly. To keep roses clear of disease it is important to tackle any greenfly problems.

Blackspot is a common problem, you can diminish this problem by picking off leaves and keeping area free of any fallen leaves.

Before Planting Roses

Before planting roses it is important to prepare the soil with a good organic mulch. This will feed the soil and improve water retention.

Roses need to be planted at the right depth. Make sure the hole is big enjoy so that the crown of the plant is above the soil level. In colder climates it is advised to plant roses a little deeper than usual

After Planting

  • In the first few weeks make sure they are well watered to help them bed in.
  • Feed with bonemeal.
  • Roses like full sun or at least sun for part of the day. So choose a spot which is not too crowded or shaded by overhanging branches.

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