Good Bad and Downright Ugly
Good & Bad Companions
Ash trees take lots and lots of goodness from the soil then die back or get turned into CO2 as firewood.
Never plant gladioli near peas beans or strawberries if you want them to thrive. Cabbages can kill off strawberries
Fuchsias appreciate shredded green bracken underneath their roots
Couch grass seldom grows around tomatoes, lupins or turnips.
Raddishes help stop maggots near cabbages
French marrigolds are well know for protecting from white fly
Good but Ugly Tips
Mulch with black polythene, old carpet or thick layers of cardboard.
An old dustbin with a chimney can be used to burn rubbish efficiently but it doesn’t look as good as a bonfire
Old labels and random canes and sticks as supports look untidy and at least in winter should be gathered in.
Lilies are fine plants but can be ravaged by the red lily beetle. Hostas can be ravaged by slugs and both look ugly