Garden Miscellany

Garden Miscellany

Useful supports in the greenhouse

Odd garden thoughts

  1. A weed is a plant that has no intention of growing in rows.
  2. Potato peelers and apple corers make  useful weeding tools. Also I like home made wooden wodgers and splodgers for compost compressing.
  3. I have  become a fan of raised beds for vegetables. The added benefit of less bending encourages me to give more effort to plants. If retaining with boards rather than blocks or sleepers pay attention to firm pegs.
  4. Consider reuse and repurpose for use in the garden including pop bottle, glass jars and old packaging. Even cardboard will compost with greenery to produce friable soil.
  5. After shredding the branches a Christmas tree trunk can be repurposed as a sturdy support or stake
  6. Thinnings of veg seedlings should be destroyed as the odour they give off attracts pests
  7. Put crushed egg shells under sweetpeas to increase the yield
  8. Pinch out plants that tend to grow long and spindly.


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