Good Value Alpine Garden Society

Good Value Alpine Garden Society

Euphorbia milii

Regular visitors will remember that I recently received a gift of membership too the AGS.

I continue to get good value for money via the magazines, free seeds and the local West Yorkshire Group meetings. A recent talk by Tony Gartwaite with photographs by Mike Ireland was called ‘show stoppers.’

This is an excuse to show some more of my pictures. Hover over pictures for info

Agave paryi

From the alpine house at Kew.

Primula allianii Joan Hughes

I have started a collection of various primulas after spotting this alpine variety Primula allianii Joan Hughes

Primula aureata nepal

Primula aureata nepal is a bit harder to grow in my greenhouse.

Hepatica nobilis Cobalt
See more about Hepaticas and how the Japanese grow these fascinating plants

Saxifraga kellever suendermannii

Regular local alpine shows are a good way to pick up tips.
The national shows move around the country so keep your eyes open or check with the AGS
Specialist nurseries also turn out at these shows and it is a chance to get some new stock.

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