Cushion Plant Growing Tips
What are Cushion Plants
- Surprise! Cushion plants look like cushions although they may be firmer.
- Cushion plants grow very slowly and evenly. They grow rosettes of leaves all at once so that no one part of the plant is more exposed than others.
- The flowers are small and often massed closely nestled in the leaves for protection.
- The low growing, dense foliage of a cushion plant acts as a layer of insulation, protecting the roots and stems.
Where to Find Cushion Plants
- Cushion plants grow in rapidly draining rocky or sandy soils
- They grow in exposed and windy conditions such as alpine, arctic and arid areas.
- A cushion plant can thrive because it insulates itself and has time to develop very deep taproots .
- Cushion plants in several families can be found all over the world.
Cushion Plant Facts
- Flowers are so numerous so they can attract pollinators (that may be in short supply) from far and wide.
- Plants are generally long lived. Some plants in the Arctic are over 300 years old.
- Cushion Plants for the Rock Garden by Duncan Lowe is available from Amazon
- The Androsacea Group specialise in these mainly cushion plant species
Some other Cushion Plants
- Juniperours maritima
- Dianthus erinaceus
- Silene aculis the Moss Campion
- Androsace selago pictures
- More photographs
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