Todays Top Ten Tips on Bulbs
3rd October 2011
Todays Top Ten Bulb Planting Tips
- Plant with the nose up! (The bulbs nose not yours) The bottom of the bulb is where there is a bit of dried root.
- Put a marker in the ground to show where you have planted the bulb. I sometimes use some light coloured grit.
- Most bulbs already contain the ungrown flower inside the bulb so a bigger bulb should perform better. Choose firm healthy looking stock not dried out damaged bulbs.
- Plant your bulbs twice as deep as the bulb is large. i.e.5cm bulb 10cm deep
- Pick a colour scheme and build a theme around that. Pinks and purples of crocus, tulips and hyacinths may work together.
- Alliums or ornamental onions can be planted in November or if frost free in December.
- Daffodils need longer in the soil to develop their root systems so get them in now.
- Plant bulbs in containers with good drainage holes and crocks in the bottom.
- Snowdrops, aconites, grape Hyacinths and crocus should naturalise well in your garden flowering year after year.
- After the bulbs have flowered deadhead then to channel energy into the bulb not into seed production. Leave the leaves to die back naturally.