Supporting Role of Stakes, Ties and Canes

Supporting Role of Stakes, Ties and Canes

Lush growth in May and June will create abundant growth and plenty of colour. But by mid summer and early autumn a shabbiness of middle age may have crept into your borders. However a border that has been carefully staked and tied in spring and summer will not lapse into slovenly habits.

Tips for Using Canes

  • It makes sense to support single-stem plants like Hollyhocks, Delphiniums and Gladioli early in the season but it is never too late. When tying stems to a cane make a loose figure-of-eight with the twine or a tight knot will damage the the stem.
  • You can make your own ‘pea sticks’ from Hazel, Elm suckers, Beech or even Fir.
  • If you want to grow your own canes then the bamboo Phyllostachys nigra produces unobtrusive black canes.
  • Use thick canes if possible – buy 8 foot canes and cut in two with a fine hacksaw at a joint
  • Freshly bought canes can be cut with secateurs
  • Single canes are not appropriate for multi stemmed plants as the string just makes a noose for the plant to flop into. Put two canes at the back and at least one in the middle then a web of string can provide several supports.
  • If your string slips down the cane your effort will be wasted. use a clove hitch knot slid down from the top of the cane and keep the know just above a joint.

Off the Peg Plant Supports

  • Circular wire grids too set above a plant for it to grow through are available but are not cheap. The green plastic covering on the wire isn’t totally natural in appearance.
  • Interlocking stakes with a hook to link to the next stake helps make a support shape appropriate to the plant can work quite well. I use these for Peonies.
  • Semi circular hoops for the border edges are available to hold plants back from lawnmowers
  • Part off the peg and part DIY you can use a wire grid supported in 4 corners to cover a wide area of the herbaceous border.
  • Obelisks and a variety of cast iron towers are available for training climbing plants

Special Staking for Special Plants

  • Sweet peas can be grown like a cordon straight up an individual cane. more common is to have a Wigwam shape of canes for them to grow up. Special pea rings of wire in a split circle can be bought.
  • Runner beans can be grown uo a double row of canes that lean in to create an inverted ‘V’ shape with a cross cane tied in at the top of the ‘V’.
  • For some soft climbing plants you can’t beat traditional trellis
  • For Vines and Wisteria against a wall strong wire support is best tied to special Vine eye nails.
  • Hazel branches can be long and strong making good supports for many circumstances

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