Gardening Tasks for May
A Few quick gardening tips for May.
- In the Greenhouse. The weather can hot up. Take care to ensure the greenhouse is well ventilated. It is a good time to paint ‘white shade’ on to the sunny side of the greenhouse.
- Potting On. Now plants are growing quickly, make sure plants in pots get sufficient food and water. Where necessary pot on to a bigger pot
- Hardening Off. Bedding plants can now be put out. Even though frost is very unlikely, make sure they are sufficiently hardened off; place in a cold frame or sheltered spot.
- Planting and Sowing. May isn’t a great month for sowing new plants and seeds. Apart from the odd bulb like Begonia and Christmas pot plants like Schizanthus
- Tomatoes. Tomatoes are growing quickly, make sure side shoots are pinched out to focus energy on main stem. Don’t overwater or overfeed until fruits start to develop.
- Hand Pollinate melons or other fruit in the greenhouse.
- Spread organic fertiliser which can act as both food and a mulch.