Overkilling Slugs

Overkilling Slugs

Slugs will feel blue after this diet.

Killing Slugs

This gardener has found a new way of killing slugs using pellets. I think it is called saturation bombing. Those slugs not hit on the head will die long before they have gorged on the little blue devils that have been broadcast around and over the Pansies.

If you use slug pellets I recommend little and often – two or three pellets near a small plant will be enough. Slug pellets work by being more attractive to slugs than the juicy green leaves. Except in heavy rain they should remain effective for a couple of weeks.

I have lost upto half of my Runner Bean seeds to mice and will have to sow again. A shame the mice won’t eat slug pellets.

On the bright side my sunken beer-laced slug traps are catching many slugs so I do not think the beer is totally wasted (and nor am I totally wasted).

2 thoughts on “Overkilling Slugs

  1. Many use too many slug pellets, also hoeing them under the surface can make them more effective as slugs mainly live underground.

  2. This year I have been trying nemaslug to rid myself of slugs (after trying to control them and failing last year with the same blue things).

    Unfortunately slug pellets are just not effective after heavy rain which is generally when you need them most. Try some nematodes and let nature do the work! (http://www.nemaslug.org.uk).

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