Samurai Garden – Fighting for a Japanese Garden
My ‘Samurai garden’ is a small homage to a full blown Japanese garden.
I was attracted to Japanese gardens when I attended a talk at our local garden society. (They are often good events to pick up tips or special plants. I belong to a couple but only attend if there is something of interest.)
After starting on my project I was surprised how many Japanese gardens there were to visit or spot when walking around.
Samurai Garden Features
- Sword shaped leaves feature in my garden to provide a green back drop and a military feel. Various Iris and Hemorocallis are getting established. It is surprising how well they do after a couple of seasons to expand the clumps.
- I have bought a stone Japanese shrine and an interestingly shaped pyramidal stone. There are all sorts of ‘features’ to chose from at most large garden centres.
- I have cheated and planted bonsai trees in their pots. I hope to partially restrict the growth without having to do bonsai pruning of roots or branches.
- Acers and Tree peonies are two of my favourite species and they are long term investments.
- The largest expense was a white chipping/pebble path edged with two kerbs. Despite a weed proof membrane the chippings get dirty, mossy and allow some weeds to root above the membrane.
- For one year only I ‘planted’ a large framed mirror to reflect images from the garden. I am happy with the result and may clean the mirror and use it next year.
Garden Samurai Code of Honor
Whilst researching my Samurai garden feature I came across a cancer charity website with the following code of Samurai honor.
1. The most important Garden is finding peace in your heart, soul and mind.
2. Honor and respect the tool that can injure you, especially the tool of your thoughts.
3. Have courage to fight the weeds of life.
4. Bless your garden and curse it not.
5. Perfection cannot be reached but precision can be practiced.
6. Know your enemies, bees can be one of the good guys.
7. Love your garden for hate can lead to destruction.
8. Remember you can plant seeds of joy; but only God can make them grow.
Japanese have regarded places surrounded by natural rocks as dwelling places of the gods. So too with dense clusters of trees and water that have traditionally encircled sacred ground.
The Samurai gardener fighting the devil slug?
by Samurai at Banzai Tattoos new location (2 doors down) by NASA CREW,CC BY-ND 2.0
Japanese Garden at Giggle Alley at Eskdale
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