Bargain Hunt Gardening Month by Month
Flag Iris all grown as cuttings from one large overgrown host plant
- Check around the garden for ripe seeds to collect and dry
- Start sowing perennials on a windowsill
- Check out garden centre sales
- Keep sowing seeds
- Divide perennials to get more and better plants.
- Coppice Hazel twigs or other branches to use as supports. They look more natural than brown canes and are free.
- Plant out hardy perennials under cloches to save indoor space and heating costs
- Look for free brochures on Open Gardens to visit
- Buy bedding plants such as Fucshi, Verbena and Felicia. Take up to 10 cuttings from each plant. By June you will have a hanging basket full.
- Sow last years collected annual seeds.
- Take cuttings from your garden shrubs.
- Visit other gardens and parks
- Look out for bedding plant sales at your garden centre
- Swap plants locally
- Sow winter ornamental cabbages and pansies from cheap supermarket seed packets.
- Check for bargains at local fetes and plant sales.
- Attend your local shows and join horticultural societies for seeds and swaps.
- Pot up Strawberry plant runners to get more plants. When rooted sever from the host plant.
- Take more cuttings of plants you enjoyed in summer.
- Root cuttings of Lupins and Oriental poppies can increase your plant stock
- Collect seed from favourite plants in old envelopes.
- Protect bulbs, tubers and plants for next year. Dahlias, Begonias and geraniums can be saved in a frost free area.
- Pick wild blackberries if you missed the bilberries in August.
- Dry herbs to use through winter
- Look out for end of season sales and cheap shrubs from garden centres.
- Pot some Hyacinths to give as Christmas presents.
- It is a good time to plant Tulips yet many shops have got them at big discounts as they get the stock ready for Xmas.
- Ask Father Christmas to buy you the garden present you covet.
- Look for good value Gloxinia tubers