Growing Hardy Perennial Geraniums
Great plants for the herbaceous border, these hardy Geraniums are top notch plants that are easy to grow and cultivate.
Growing Characteristics
- Low growing plants seldom higher than 12″. Geraniums make good plants for the front of borders.
- Varieties exist to have flowering all through summer. Some varieties are continuous bloomers others once per season.
- They will thrive in all types of soil and be rampant in good soil.
- Flowering in shade, sun or partial shade makes them very acceptable additions in difficult parts of the garden.
Selected Varieties
- Sanguineum Max Frie has a shocking pink flower.
- Johnsons Blue, shown above, is a deep blue verging on lavender in the light used for this photo.
- Sanguineum alba is, as you would guess, a clear white with yellow stamen.
- Sanguineum Striatum is white with pink veins giving a stripped appearance.
- Geranium pratense is purple whilst Cinereum Ballerina is pink with deep pink stripped veins.
- Geranium pratense ‘Laura’ double white with long lasting flowers
- Hardy Geranium ‘Foundlings Friend’
Thompson Morgan supply a range of hardy geraniums in addition to their Zonal and indoor Pelargoniums which are some times called geraniums just to confuse.