Gardeners and the Woodland Trust

Gardeners and the Woodland Trust

In the woods

Woods and trees are vital some would say with hyperbole, essential to life. ‘They have a myriad of different benefits for both wildlife and people. They stabilise the soil, generate oxygen, store carbon, play host to a spectacular variety of wildlife, provide us with raw materials and shelter, inspire our imaginations and our creativity.’

UK Woodland Facts

  • Since 1930 almost 50% of the UK’s ancient woodland has been damaged or destroyed.
  • 85% of remaining woodland has no protection from further exploitation.
  • The Woodland Trust cares for over 1000 woods that are freely open to the public. They have had to fight 310 legal cases over the last 10 years.
  • The UK is the least wooded country in Europe with only 12% woodland. This is despite the woodland trust planting 13 million trees.

Free Trees

  • The Woodland Trust has a range of free tree packs available to schools, youth groups and communities.
  • Plant your tree for the Jubilee and bring your community together to plant free trees from the Woodland Trust. A chance to grow your own food, create new homes for wildlife and bring beautiful autumn colour to your local area.
  • Apply now for the chance to receive a free pack to plant in November 2012 as part of our Jubilee Woods project.
  • The Woodland Trust

Main Woods Owned or Protected by the Trust

  • Blackbush and Twenty Acre Shaw wood.
  • Denge Wood and Dering Wood- Kent
  • Dolebury Warren – North Somerset
  • Folke Wood – Dorset
  • Heartwood Forest – Hertfordshire
  • Joyden’s Wood – Kent
  • Oxmoor Copse – Surrey
  • Paradise Wood – Oxfordshire
  • Skipton Woods – North Yorkshire
  • Staffhurst Wood – Surrey
  • Uffmoor Wood – Worcestershire
  • Wychwood – Oxfordshire
  • Lake Wood
  • Glen Finglas Estate – the Trossachs
  • Brede High wood near Battle Sussex


In the woods by JR_Paris CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Vincent Wood by the.approximate.photographer CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Vincent Wood

Book Cover
A Walk in the Woods: Exploring Britain’s Greatest Woodland by Archie Miles

One thought on “Gardeners and the Woodland Trust

  1. I’m a recent follower, imagine my smiley face when I spotted this!Thanks for mentioning us in your blog, and with such lovely pictures too. Kaye 🙂

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