Five July Garden Flowers

Five July Garden Flowers

At the beginning of June gardeners tips showed five photographs of flowers from my garden. For July I have chosen five spherically shaped flowers (actually they were snapped 30th June but they are still around in July).
You may expect plants to only flower in the months recommended by retailers but nature is not like that. The Alliums should be flowering earlier and be over by July. The Hydrangea and Gazinia are still to give their best.

Allium Christophii look like a firework display and I am told make good cut flowers. (Mine will stay in the garden for the time being.)

Despite very poor ‘Peony weather’ my exemplars have survived and not suffered too much damage. It is the flowers I have brought indoors that have quickly shed their petals this year.

It is a bit early for Hydrangeas to show full colour but I liked the theme of big round flowers on these photographs.
I have fed this Hydrangea with colourant last back-end and spring so am hoping the blue gets stronger as the flowers open more fully.

Where would an English garden be without it’s roses?

The orange Gazinia is included for the strength and variety of colour. It is a bit of a cheat as it is still under glass when the picture was taken as the rain could have damaged the petals.

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