Duchy Originals and Organic HDRA
Rose Yorkshire Day 1st August – Organics for southern softies.
The Daily Telegraph report that a new range of Organic Seeds are to be available from Duchy Originals. This announcement coincided with Prince Charles visit to Ryton the Garden Organic establishment (HDRA).
It amuses me to see amongst the range of tools on sale at Duchy Originals a Dutch Hoe but may be I am confused somewhere with the Prince of Orange.
Organics is as organics does and the move to chemical free gardening has been highjacked by the organic movement. We and our food is all organic in some form or other. Some organic compounds can be most dangerous including some poisonous plants.
Thoughtful gardening will enable a sensible regime to coexist within a garden without slavishly following a proscribed ‘Organic’ regime.