My Double Daffodils

My Double Daffodils

Twice as much pleasure? Well for Mothering Sunday double Daffs will go down a treat.
Double daffodils

Double the pleasure from Daffodils with extra petals or crinkly trumpets.
I am always on the look out for plants I want to grow next year. I am aiming for shock and awe varieties of common plants and specimen plant of an unusual nature. If I don’t make a note of them in my garden note book I will forget.

Rip Van Winkle Daffodil
My choice of Double Daffodils
Delnashaugh or Repleat have an apricot-pink centre and the slightly smaller Mary Copeland is also unusual.
Dick Wilden is a sulphur coloured sport of Carlton and Golden Ducat or Von Sion are other all yellow doubles.
I grew Winston Churchill this year for cutting. A bit later flowering so I am now enjoying the scent.
Obdam is the only pure white I have found but I can tolerate White Marvel, Acropolis and Bridal Crown in my white bed.
After the point above I then discover that Thompson Morgan sell 2 other white doubles, Erlicheer and Daffodil poeticus Plenus.
Rip van Winkle has an unusual petal shape that appears to be a double.

Daffodil selection

Just a final word for Cheerfulness a really go doer from the Tazetta Division 8 not quite a double but with puffy centre petals that look the part.

As with many flowers please have a close look and take your time to appreciate the fantastic choice we gardeners have available.
Daffodil selection

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