Contribute to National Gardening Week
The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has come up with a new wheeze to be launched for 2012. The National Gardening Week will take place from 16th April to 22 April 2012. You can contribute your skills, cash or enthusiasm if you wish.
Not surprisingly National Gardening week is warmly welcomed by the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) whose members will be looking to benefit your garden and their bank balances.
Early Ideas for National Gardening Events
- Make your contribution to National Gardening Week by spending early.
- A Compost Clinic will help with other green initiatives and solutions.
- Gardening clubs, societies, schools and local organisations are encouraged to participate and arrange special events.
- RHS will offer a ‘Border-Boosting service’ giving 6 tips and ideas based on a photograph of your garden.
- Contribute to the Facebook question time sessions that will be supported by scientists and gardeners from the RHS
- RHS ‘will also be offering 20,000 starter packs with seeds, organising a career day at all four of its gardens and holding masterclasses, including a workshop on seed raising.’
Get Ahead of the Game for 2012
- Plan early and tidy up your own patch. There is a lot you can do just by adding or changing one garden feature.
- Start with one item that you can use to Shock and Awe from the start of April. Bulbs would fit this bill in large drifts or containers and window boxes.
- Rhododendrons and Azalea are currently growing their buds for spring’s big show. Give them a boost of liquid feed and keep the soil moist.
- Alpine gardens look their best in Spring. Check out your lay-out of rocks, top up grit levels and generally tidy the area now to avoid needing to do so later.
- If you are stuck for Christmas or birthday presents what about Garden Tokens from HTA. Then you will have money to spend during National Gardening Week.
More information from the RHS
To join in, please email the RHS at telling them who you are and how you would like to get involved with National Gardening Week.
Garden Tokens from HTA
Must Do Contributions During National Gardening Week
- Do not forget to enjoy your garden.
- Visit other spring gardens and join in events organised for National Gardening week
- Invite folk to see the results of your contribution to National Gardening Week
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