Colour me Garden

Colour me Garden

One of the most interesting aspects of gardening is the combination of colours that can be achieved by accident or design.
Leaves and bark can play their part but it is the bold colours of some of our favourite flowers that take centre stage.


Sometimes, we like the delicate, soothing pastel shades or the zen of a ‘White Garden‘ but, this doesn’t mean we always have to follow decorum and good taste. Sometimes its nice to just choose great impact colours which add life, zest and sparkle to the garden. The kind of colour combination that makes a passerby think – ‘hmm that’s interesting’

Pot Mum

This autumn I have done particularly well with Chrysanthemums a plant I have previously struggled with. Pot mums are easier to grow for a showy colour scheme but individual blooms can be stellar.

Tips for Bold Colour

    Choose plants that flower at the same time to get the contrasts shown above.
    Think about your colour scheme be fore starting out. Do you intend having a single colour or sharp contrasts
    Blue versus orange and red versus green are two popular combinations.

 old Garden colour wheel page

    on the colour wheel for use in the garden.
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