Chionodoxa Bulbs to Plant in August

Chionodoxa Bulbs to Plant in August


  • Chionodoxa or Glory of the snow are hardy, early flowering bulbs to plant before the end of August.The bulbs appreciate a bit of warmth to get going.
  • Chionodoxa grow 6-8″ high and thrive in ordinary soil .
  • Plant 2-3″ deep in rockeries or borders.
  • Alternatively plant closely in a pot of loam. Keep in a cold frame until growth is visible the take into a greenhouse or windowsill for a good display of bright blue flowers.
  • Water regularly after the emerging of foliage until the leaves die.

ChindoxiaFor the specialist there are a dozen different varieties to investigate and grow. Potentially the basis of a fine collection. See more detail and a list of species here

Chionodoxa need water in the spring so if the ground is dry

Chionodoxa forbesii 雪光花

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