Day Flowers

Day Flowers

LBA 070

This Inula is big and brash but only flowers for a relatively short time. After pollination the inflorescence of central flowers start to turn brown. It is still worth a place in a perennial flower bed when the heart shaped leaves provide extra interest.

LBA 064

Day lilies are so named because of there relatively flowering short life. The latin name is Hemerocallis.
New blooms on the same stem open regularly to prolong the display of these brightly coloured flowers.

Cistus maculata

Cistus is another flower that lasts a day but is replaced with new blooms on a very regular basis. Again one of my favourites for sunny perennial borders.

Rock Rose

Rock rose or Helianthemum is a much smaller flower than its cousin the Cistus. It tpoo has short lived flowers but in such profusion and range of colours that it is well worth growing.

Other Flower Pictures Born for a Day


Day Lilies

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