Winter Trees With Winter Tips
At the first sign of snow I walk round my trees or at least the garden they are planted in.
Snowy Winter Tips
Conifer branches were weighed down with wet snow and a cane was used to knock excess off before branches broke or were set at an ungainly angle. Some ornamental conifers can be wired up so the shape is retained.
Rock salt was not used on paths where there was any danger of ‘run off’ as the salt could poison the ground and plants.
I tried to avoid walking on lawns when the ground was frozen or covered in snow.
Birds were fed with seeds, peanuts and fat balls to help them through the winter. They will pay back by eating insects later on.
With a clear winter sky you can see the outline of a tree and study the branch network.
If you plan to do some winter pruning, pick a frost free day and start before the sap is rising.
Do not trim conifers until the danger of frost has passed to avoid ‘brown burning’ of the delicate new leaves.
Check stakes on young trees for wind rock and chaffing damage.
Winter tree wash from amazon to control over-wintering pests on fruit trees, fruit bushes and vines. It will control the eggs, larvae and nymphs of aphids such as greenfly, blackfly and whitefly, and other over-wintering insect pests found on fruit trees including apples, pears, plums and cherries.
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