Cotoneaster Horizontalis Growing Tips
Not always a bird favourite but a prolific berryer alll the same.
Marks for the juicy red berries 65%, for the colourful leaves 25%, for the arching branches 25% and for arithmetic 12%.
Cotoneaster Information
- An important genus of hardy ornamental shrubs ranging from prostrate to 10 feet high varieties. They tolerate most soil and conditions some growing up north facing walls.
- As can be seen the leaves turn from green to strong autumn colours and most varieties bear fruit much loved by the birds in my garden.
- Small white flowers can smother the branches in June and they attract bees and hover flies but are not troubled by pest or disease.
- My Cotoneaster horizontalis has herring bone style branches covering a 2 foot wall and 6 square yards of an ugly, old patio. This variety of Contoneaster is drought tolerant.
- My ‘Hilliers Manual of Trees and Shrubs’ (a great Christmas present for the enthusiast) lists over 70 of the 300 species with short write-ups on each and the RHS Plant Finder tells you where to source them.
- Originally from Japan
Growing Cotoneaster Horizontalis for Landscaping
- Cotoneaster Horizontalis is a good low growing shrub for use as groundcover or to grow on a bank. In this situation they need little or no maintenence or pruning.
- A group of Cotoneaster Horizontalis growing in harmony with a taller shrub can make a distinctive feature
- I have a self sown seedling in the top of a wall and the arching branches disguise the more formal wall shape.
- Cotoneaster Horizontalis can be trained as an espalier or against a wall.
Propagation of Cotoneaster Horizontalis
- Cotoneaster horizontalis will root where the spreading branches touch the ground and this helps its spread. You can take rooted cuttings in this manner.
- Plants produce prolific seed via the red berries. They are easy to grow from seed.
- Can be propagated from Semiripe-hardwood cuttings
Read more: growing Cotoneaster as small trees
bird on fence by *Psycho Delia* CC BY-NC 2.0
November 2011 – Cotoneaster horizontalis by muffinn CC BY 2.0
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