Alpine Vista Mista
Missing posts on this site can be put down to my Alpine holiday in Austria. Mist on the hills was a small problem for my photography but it meant there were fewer walkers around to disturb me and the cattle on the Alpine pastures.
The surprise for me was the volume of Rhododendrons clinging to the mountain side at over 6000 feet. No soil to speak of, so that is one reason Rhododendrons and Azaleas are comparatively shallow rooted I suppose. They also like to get a fair share of water in spring and summer to help next years bud formation, no problem on these hills, (Get out the rainproofs again).
Nature usually has a reason for plants developing the way they have.
In Austria the seasons seem to be compacted together and at the end of June there was a festival of colour in the villages and hillsides to say nothing of the mountain tops.
Flowers are used extensively in the neat well kept grave yards. However this shrine shown above was on one of the walking routes and the red rose seemed very apposite.