Tips for Your Front Garden
Lovely climbing rose on the front of this house
The Front garden is a great part of English life. Unfortunately there is increasingly a trend to replace the front garden with concrete so people can park a car. But, what better way to start the day than walking through a bit of garden at the front of your house.
The Huge Flower Approach
If you want to give joy to passers by, go for a real impact and fill it with lots of colour. These dahlias give an excellent summer long flowering display – you will just need to spend time watering. Every bit of space has been maximised with these hanging baskets
The Zen Approach to Front Gardens
A bit of gravel and reserved planting gives a very relaxed feel. It helps sooth the nerves, especially because the work to maintain is much reduced.
One strong plant or tree can help give a small garden a real focus. Here an acer sets of some self-sown Nigella.