10 Quick Gardener’s Tips

10 Quick Gardener’s Tips


If you like fast results in your garden try these ten Quick Gardeners Tips covering design, cultivation and money saving.

Money Saving Tips

  • When making new lawns just make the surround or outer edge with turf about 18-24 inches wide so you can then cut a straight edge. Sow seed in the middle to save money. Take care the ground level is not raised by the turf.
  • Buy small plants and grow them on if you do not have the patience to grow from seed or trust your skill with cuttings.
  • Epsom salts watered on sickly plants will help green them up at a low cost.(2oz =1 gal tablespoon per rose)

Cultivation Tips

  • Plants tend to put strength into their weakest parts so clean up or prune out broken and weak shoots.
  • Sow wallflowers in June for a colourful, scented display the following spring.
  • Companion plant mint, garlic, violas, borage, clematis, marjoram or geraniums they will all work well with Roses

Simple Design Tips

  • The eye sees flowers in hot reds and yellows as appearing nearer. Blues seem to be further away so plant them at the back of borders to make the border seem deeper.
  • In a small garden mix vegetables & flowers like lettuce & lobelia or peas and sweet peas. Use some vegetables just because they are quite decorative or architectural like our Artichoke pictured.
  • If a plant is good or one of your favourites grow a lot in drifts not dotted around randomly.
  • For fun and added interest name sections of your garden. If it is too large or has an unkempt area have a reservation or butterfly reserve, other areas may be named after people, styles or other themes.
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