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Join the Hardy Plant Society

Join the Hardy Plant Society


The Hardy Plant Society is a friendly members organisation that specialises in perennials, plants that keep growing for years, and hardy plants, that will survive our British weather.

The regular feature ‘Plant of the month’ for May is Paeonia mascula ssp. russii. However they also give information on growing easier Peonies like Lutea and Peonie Ludlowii

Membership Benefits
All members of the Hardy Plant Society receive The Hardy Plant journal twice a year and a newsletter three times a year which provides information on all of the Society’s events, activities, interests and group contacts. There are also seed distributions, shows, open gardens, plant sales and a photo library for loan.

Specialist Groups within the society include:
Half Hardy Valerie Livesey 01970 880564 [email protected]
Hardy Geranium Oliver Folkard 01328 851468 [email protected]
Peony Gail Harland 01449 760553 [email protected]
Pulmonaria Barry Street 01494 [email protected]
Ranunculaceae Gill Regan 01795 890556 [email protected]
Variegated Plant Brian Dockerill 01443 402999 [email protected]

Local Groups
The Hardy Plant Society has around 40 local groups in the UK and national members are invited to join the group nearest to them. The wide range of gardening activities including informative lectures from local and national gardening speakers, garden visits and plant sales together with educational and social events throughout the year creates an active and informative club atmosphere .

Link for membership application form