Search Results for: composting

What to do with Garden Non-compostables

It seems a waste to put non-compostables into landfill if there is an alternative. Fortunately our local authority provides a green bag and collection service. Your local tip will probably have separate areas for hardcore and other garden waste. Composting Means and Methods Garden compost heaps are for short term rotters taking 6-12 months. ‘Green bag’ council schemes are better able to cope with problem rotting and are suitable for items listed below. Landfill is far longer term rotting but…

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Autumnal Compostables and Leaf Mold

I am an avid composter but it is worth considering what is going into your compost this Autumn. This photo contains several items that are not idea for my compost heap. When I spread my compost I do not want lots of new saplings springing up in my garden. Some seeds and nuts are likely to survive composting as the heat will not be as great through winter. Leaves particularly Oak,  Horse-chestnut and broadleaved trees will be slow to rot…

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Fallen Leaves Good for the Environment

The fallen leaves of Autumn are a sign of the the hope and regeneration of future seasons. You can pick up inspiration from the sight of golden brown and russet coloured leaves. Who has not been enraptured, at some stage in their life, by the scent of damp leaves or the rustle of crisp, dry leaves kicked up as you pass through a leaf strewn glade. Uses of Leaves Broad-leafed trees shed their leaves annually to create a carpet of…

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Garden Sculpture from Found Materials

This council maintained flower bed claims a wooden sculpture which looks to me like 4 poles stuck in the ground at angles. It meets the specification of a sculpture in that it acts as a focal point, creates a new dimension with the extra height and becomes a topic of discussion. Found materials can be any surplus matierial discovered in the wider garden or on your travels. If you have an artistic eye they can arranged in the garden to…

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Garden Compost and Bokashi

Bokashi, Japanese composting, is really a fermenting system. It converts your household food waste into a liquid and food remnants that are ripe for final composting. Ripe isn’t a fair word as it smells only of sweet pickle. An additive of a lactic acid based micro organisms in a bran carrier is mixed with the food waste in an airtight bin and a culture like a ginger beer plant is created. These microbes include lactobacillus bacteria, phototrophic bacteria and yeast….

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