What’s What With Our Weather

What’s What With Our Weather

We have got some ‘right weather’ again so the garden is on the windy & muddy side. Therefore I have taken time out for a quick drink and think about climate.
Last year we were being told that the plight of the bumble bee was in our hands and that they were an endangered species. Blame global warming and loss of habitat we were told.
Gardeners were planning for another dry summer in the UK and we even started the year with drought restrictions.

All ‘ain’t what it is cracked up to be’ and our clay soil was never cracked up to be much especially this year.
As a ‘global warming denier’ I was more than content to whinge on about a poor summer for a change and only regret the low yield on fruit crops.
We have had floods, freeze ups and climate change before and doubtless we will experience more change in the future.

UK Gardeners Tips Views
Bees have had a better year and I will continue to support them in my garden and whenever I get an opportunity.
Mediterranean gardens are for the Mediterranean area and unless I want to fight the natural order of things I will be very careful with any plants from hot dry climes.
Rain, wind, sun or shine the weather is great – enjoy it when you garden.

Madiera insect

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