Soil Tips for Growing Vegetables
Is your soil so poor nothing will grow in it? No I didn’t think so because weeds will grow anywhere!
Improve Your Soil
- Rotted farmyard manure, dug in each year, will boost your soils fertility.
- The rotted farmyard manure breaks down to humus that opens up clay soils and holds moisture in sandy soils.
- You need to replace the nutrients taken out of the soil by this seasons crops and that is where an annual dose of farmyard manure comes in.
- Cover the veg-patch with black polythene over winter. This stops goodness leaching out, stops weeds and warms the soil in spring.
- I also trench the Runner Bean rows with an extra bottom covering of manure to hold extra moisture.
- Add lime for growing Brassicas but Potatoes love the slight acidity that often comes with farmyard manure.