Icebergs Rosey and Leafy
Global warming has not made my Iceberg rose melt or disappear. On the contrary it is doing very well.
In the top picks for many rose enthusiast this is one shrub that can look after itself. Any floribunda rose should have lots of buds and blossom and Iceberg doesn’t disappoint. These buds are slightly pink, opening regularly through summer and autumn to display classic white roses.
Compared to other roses this plant is disease resistant, feeds some aphids and has sharp thorns but all is forgiven in lieu of its great display.
- Icebergs bloom on new wood so prune before Easter to get good growth.
- Encourage your Iceberg to grow tall in a ‘White Garden’ – you can also get Iceberg as a climber sport
Iceberg Lettuce
Iceberg Lettuce by whologwhy, on Flickr CC BY 2.0
Grows best in cool airy conditions and germinates in at lower temperatures than other salad crops. Hot conditions encourage early bolting.
Keep well watered as over 90% of a lettuce is just water.