Eco-friendly Protection in the Garden

Eco-friendly Protection in the Garden


If you are in the ‘protection racket’ then a gardeners best friend is a walled garden. This protects from wind and driving rain and helps create a micro climate. Walls retain heat from the sun and are great for training climbers and some tender plants.

Protecting crops and ornamentals from natures predators is next on the list. The tent over this fruit cage keeps the birds away and the plant pot on a cane holds the mesh in the centre. Micro-fleece barriers are now regularly used to protect carrots, brassicas  and other crops from insect and pigeon damage.


A heated greenhouse protects from the worst of the British weather. Exotic plants or early crops can thus be grown in warmer conditions.

Cheap and effective protection comes from a good mulch. It can protect plants from drying out or freezing conditions.
A gravel mulch can protect the neck of plants from rot and is invaluable for improved drainage for alpines. I sometimes cover alpines with a small pane of glass to keep rain off leaves and the central rose.

So these tips have offered some environmentally friendly protection from cold, rain, wind and pests. It occurs to me that high walls protect against kids scrumping if they do that now-a-days.

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