Colour Can Con Gardeners
Colour is a complex science and not a subject for the colourblind to take lightly.
Both of these images were taken virtually at the same time and of the same plant. Is it red or orange seed capsules that are right. If the plant is Arum maculatum a Lords and Ladies plant then orange would be the favoured colour.
Light has a temperature and like a ‘white hot’ metal it can look dark red through orange to a burnt out white.
See the ‘Fearless Colour Gardens: The Creative Gardener’s Guide to Jumping Off the Colour Wheel ‘
It comes as less of a surprise when sun and shade affect colour perception as in this pairing.
Colour saturation can vary with the tone of pigment but is more likely to be a function of the camera and photographic settings.
Reproduction is the last variable we are considering in this set. Electronic screens ipads, phones, Tv’s etc vary more than printed matter. Even print can often look quite different as plates and blankets wear.
For more on colour visit the The Society of Dyers and Colourists Colour Museum in Bradford