Decorative Bark on Trees

Decorative Bark on Trees

For texture and visual interest do not ignore bark. Some of my favourite trees have captivating bark that looks good through all four seasons.

When the leaves fall you get a chance to inspect the bark on your trees and shrubs. Some bark is outstanding and worth growing for it’s own sake.

Five Trees for Decorative Bark

Acer griseum, paper bark maple, the outer bark peeling in papery flakes to show the copper-colored inner bark; opening leaves bronze colored, turning red or orange in autumn.

Paper-bark birch has shining white bark with large leaves turning pale gold in early autumn, making it more useful than other birches with colored stems.

Thorp Perrow bark

Sorbus Aucuparia is a handsome cultivar of the mountain ash with red branch-lets and a copper colored trunk.

Arbutus x Arachnoides the hybrid strawberry tree has red trunk and branches.

The peeling of patches of bark showing the greenish grey inner bark of the London plane is a well known tree sold as Planatus hybrida.

Bark Tips
There are many other interesting species with worthy bark or branches. Have a look around an Arboretum or tree nursery for ideas.
When planning a new tree consider how it will look in Winter and you may be drawn to consider bark as a significant feature.
Texture or colour may appeal at first sight but ensure you have the space and patience for the tree to mature.
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Thorp Perrow bark

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