Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum House Plants
Peace is not just an absence of war – Peace Lilies are superb houseplants with dark green glossy leaves and distinctive white flowers.
As well as being named Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum they are also known as Spathe flower, White Flag, White Anthurium or White Sails for obvious reasons.
Tips for Growing Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum as Houseplants
- Do not let the Peace lily become too dry, they love moist but not soggy soil and a humid atmosphere.
- You will be guilty of disturbing the Peace if you let temperatures drop much below 65 degrres
- Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum are happy in light shade. They hate direct sun through windows.
- Happy plants flower throughout the year
- Unhappy dry plants may attract red spider mites
- Plants appreciate a foliar feed but do not need much other fertiliser.
Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum Interesting Facts
- Spathiphyllum originally come from tropical areas and variety Mauna Loa comes from the Hawaiian Islands
- There are around 50 species of Peace lily.
- A good plant can help act as an air cleanser absorbing pollutants.
- Propagate in spring by dividing the overcrowded rhizome by pulling apart making sure that each rhizome has at least two leaves attached.
- Gifts of these attractive indoor plants are considered as a spiritual symbol of Christmas.
- Spathiphyllum wallisii is a neater variety with shiny, corrugated spear shaped leaves on long stems.
Photo Credits
Spathiphyllum wallisii, Peace Lily, Spathe flowers ….Hoa Lan Ã, Buồm trắng …. by Vietnam Plants & America plants, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Blüte Spathiphyllum by bjoern.f | Björn Freiberg Fotografie CC BY 2.0