Grow Eranthis or Winter Aconites
An early yellow flower grown under deciduous trees.
Grow Winter Aconites
Eranthis Species
- Eranthis hyemalis, comes from the deciduous woodlands of the Balkans, Italy and southern France. ‘Orange Glow’ and Schwefelglanz are hybrids to look out for.
- Eranthis cilicus, from Turkey, Kurdistan, Iran and Afghanistanhas flowers that are larger and leaves that are finer
- Eranthis x tubergenii Guinea Gold is less particular about its soil and is more vigorous and has delightful fragrant golden yellow blooms with bronzy green foliage, however it is only half-hardy.
- Eranthis ‘Flore Pleno’ is a double that is good in the rockery or shady border but will not set seed.
- Eranthis pinnatifida is a native of Japan where it is found in mountain woods. It has small white flowers a delight to grow.