Christmas Roses for Christmas Hellebores
Christmas Roses will soon be with us in the garden. If you still haven’t removed the old leathery leaves from last year you can trim them off so the flowers are visible. After flowering lighter green leaves will grow to reinvigorate the plants roots.
Hellebores have a medieval reputation for preventing witchcraft and are also called the Christmas Rose or in some parts of the country Virgin’s Mantle. In addition to the traditional white Helbore niger there are many new varieties and colours to grow.
Selected Varieties
From the Lady series, Hellebore Red Lady, Hellebore Pink Lady, Hellebore Blue Metallic Lady, (a hybrid orientalis Hellebore )
Hellebore Picotee Double Ellen flowers a light delicate attractive pink and Double Ellen White has green outer to the petals.
Ashwood nurseries have a good list of specie and hybrid Hellebores
Hybrids from Thompson & Morgan
Gardeners Tips
Plant now in October for a magic touch of flower power when even snowdrops are still to flower
Plant in dappled shade with moist but not boggy soil.
Rabbit resistant which is a bonus near us.
Mulch in spring to keep up the humus levels.
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