Best Foxtail Lilies Eremurus
The best Foxtail Lilies can grow to 7 feet tall and form clumps of outstanding spires of star shaped flowers with showy stamens.
Best Varieties
Eremurus robustus only flowers for three weeks or so, but for that brief period it can be the star of any garden.
Eremurus stenophyllus has bright yellow flowers with orange tiped stamens giving a two tone effect as they mature. The plant looks spectacular in prairie style planting and has earned an AGM.
Eremurus Ruiter hybrid ‘White Beauty Favourite’ has tapering blooms that can last for several weeks as cut flowers.
Eremurus cultivars such as Cleopatra can have orange or peach coloured flowers.
Eremurus × isabellinus Shelford hybrids
Growing Tips
Eremurus needs good drainage, full sun and a cold snap in winter to induce flowering.
Shelter from strong winds to protect the tall blooms.
The root system is fascinating with a central growing point which is encircled by fleshy, finger-thick tapering roots. These should be planted in a shallow hole but on top of a mound of sharp sand.
Foxtail Lilies grow away quickly in spring, forming a rosette of bluish-green strap-shaped leaves up to 4ft high, from which the flower spike rises during late April to flower in May. The flowers open progressively from the bottom of the spike.
After flowering allow the plant to die back and remain dormant until next spring.
Use a mulch that stays fairly dry such as shingle or bark and this can protect new growth from frost.
To help Foxtail Lilies self-seed, leave the flower spike standing into autumn and the seeds will ripen and drop.
Best Species
Eremurus robustus: an Eremurus native of central Asia; the stem grows from 6 to 10 feet high.
Eremurus himalaicus: one of the hardiest varieties of the Eremurus genus; this plant is native to the temperate Himalayas.
Eremurus elwesii: native to Northern Iran, these pale green/yellow flowers grow in open grassland.
Eremurus bungei: this Eremurus has yellow inflorescences that grow 2 to 3 feet long; Eremurus olgae: a dwarf Eremurus flowering in June or July, making it one of the last eremuri to flower.
Eremurus tubergenii:
Eremurus caucasicus (spectabilis)
Eremurus warei
Eremurus shelfordii
Eremurus stenophyllus: a tufted Eremurus with partially hairy, green-gray leaves.
Bulbs from Thompson & Morgan
Yet More Cultivars and Varieties
Eremurus ‘Brutus’
Eremurus ‘Emmy Ro’
Eremurus ‘Grace’
Eremurus ‘Helena’
Eremurus × isabellinus ‘Obelisk’
Eremurus × isabellinus ‘Pinokkio’
Eremurus ‘Jeanne-Claire’
Eremurus ‘Joanna’
Eremurus ‘Line Dance’
Eremurus ‘Moneymaker’
Eremurus ‘Oase’
Eremurus ‘Rexona’
Eremurus ‘Roford’
Eremurus ‘Romance’
Eremurus ‘Rumba’
Eremurus ‘Samba’