Autumn Gardeners Tips for the Disorganised

Autumn Gardeners Tips for the Disorganised

I am the disorganised gardener in this situation. This is a series of unconnected tips that I have wanted to get off my chest but have not turned into a full post.

  • Sweet peas can be sown in autumn or spring. Brown or white seeds will germinate without help. Black, dark brown or mottled seeds have tough coats and water is taken up more easily if the hard coat is nicked gently with a knife or abraded on sandpaper.
  • Clay soil is fertile but is cold, heavy and hard on plant roots. Dig in bulky organic material. Then spread 6″ of garden compost or manure on the surface in autumn and let the worms drag the humus down into the soil over winter.
  • I store and grow plants under the eaves of my house. Take care as the house creates a rain shadow and pots occasionally need watering even in winter.
  • Try growing some Aconitum like the plant above. They flower late, like shade, do not need staking and look great.
  • Young and newly planted trees and shrubs are more delicate than established plants. Give them extra protection against a hard winter with mulch, wind breaks or even wrapping in hessian.
  • Stored apples need to be kept at 2-5degrees centigrade and checked occasionally for rot. One bad apple in a barrel as the saying goes.
  • You can still plant Tulips throughout November
  • Make a list of what you want to achieve next year based on your garden successes and failures in the past.
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