Osmanthus Shrubs and Uses
Osmanthus is an attractive genus of evergreen shrubs. The leaves are holly like with a leathery texture and spikes. The young leaves are green, red, cream or purple and below is a variegated example.
This variety O. hetrophylus is slow growing but can make a dense hedge or small tree. The flowers are sweetly scented in autumn.
Other Osmanthus and Uses
- Osmanthus delavayi grows upto 6 foot tall and wide with fragrant white april flowers. It can be grown as a small tree.
- Osmanthus yunnanensis ‘New Zealand Holly’ a fast growing large shrub with olive green leaves with flowers that can be a bit of a let down.
- Osmanthus americanus ‘Devil Wood’ is a bit tender in the UK.
- Osmanthus x burkwoodii which has small leathery leaves and fragrant white flowers in late spring. It can make a good hedge.
- Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Variegatus’ can be used as ground cover.
- Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’ is an evergreen compact, fairly slow-growing shrub with dark-green, holly-like leaves.
Gardeners Top Tip
Osmanthus are cheap to buy when small, easy to grow and care for and are strongly recommended for a mixed border or ornamental woodland.
Gardeners Tips Favourite Links
- The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
- Alpine Garden Society (AGS)
- Garden Organic the national charity for organic gardening formerly Henry Double Day Research
- BBC Gardening