Gardening in the Cyber Age
Did you learn to garden when digital meant green fingered? When a web was created by spiders to trap unsuspecting green fly and birds flew inter’net that protected fruit crops?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then welcome to ‘the cyber age club’. You are old enough to qualify for one of the Cybermen to help you in your garden, just let us know and we will get Doctor Who to arrange a visit.
Cyber Gardening Knowledge
- Apples are not fruit.
- Palm pilots do not grow in tropical climates with large frondy leaves.
- Tweets are not what you hear from around your bird feeders.
- i-pads are not for the protection of blind gardeners.
- Spam is not found in a gardeners sandwich lunch.
- Microsoft is not a brand of horticultural fleece.
- Digg has nothing to do with gardening.
Good News for Cyber Age Gardening
- The more things change the more the therapeutic effects of gardening are recognised.
- You have access to more pictures and information on plants and gardens via a computer, donggled phone or wifi device.
- Best of all there are 1700+ pages on Gardeners Tips that you can peruse when it is too dark and wet to garden
The picture is not a fascinated Gerbera as you might think. It is a digital ‘Avatar’ a graphical representation of the editor or the editor’s alter ego or character used with the Hortoris web pseudonym. (are you still with me or have you gone into the garden?)