Little Conifers Little Tree Tips
What are Miniature Conifers
- Natural slow growing conifers that have not been deliberately stunted can be grown as miniatures.
- The annual rate of growth is ¼” to 1″
- Miniature conifers can be grown from several species including abies, pine, picea, chamaecyparis, cryptomeria and juniper
- They are propagated from seed or as cuttings of existing miniatures.
- Cuttings from sports or mutations can produce new varieties.
- True miniatures differ from dwarf varieties and slow growers which also produce small trees
- Miniatures are the shortest of the conifer family used in alpine gardens, scree gardens, troughs and display pots.
Little Conifer Tips
- Miniatures can grow in troughs with 3″ depth of soil or in window boxes.
- Allow them to spread the roots rather than delve too deeply
- If grown as commemorative trees they can become long lived family treasures.
- Contour the site in proportion to the trees you are growing making allowance for the anticipated height
- Do not allow trees to be heavily overshadowed or left too dry.
- Beware juvenile foliage may look different.
Miniature and Dwarf Conifers from above
Other Conifer Tips
- It is natural for evergreens to lose some leaves and the brown bits can be gently cleared away in spring.
- Spray a magnesium solution as a pick me up. This may be needed if the tree is loosing colour or the ends of leaves are exuding sap.
- too much general fertiliser encourages coarse growth
- Repot when roots fill to the side of the pot. It may be necessary. to shake off old soil and drainage material