RHS Spring Advice

RHS Spring Advice

feb harlow carr

Curves at RHS Harlow Carr Garden


The Royal Horticultural Society offers free advice on there web site and to members. Other membership benefits include free entry to some gardens and a monthly magazine.

Jobs to do in March


Spring usually arrives by mid-March and the frequent sunny days provide the opportunity for an increasing range of gardening tasks.

  1. Plant shallots, onion sets and early potatoes
  2. Protect new spring shoots from slugs
  3. Weeds come back in to growth – deal with them before they get out of hand
  4. Start feeding fish and using the pond fountain; remove pond heaters
  5. Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials

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When you have done these jobs you can cut the grass, sow some seeds, dig the veg patch and a runner bean trench then in the afternoon prune the roses, spread the compost heap and have a cup of tea!




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