Gardening For Climate Change

Gardening For Climate Change

After this wet summer what has happened to Global Warming? Are there any advantages of Global Warming and how should gardeners design for such changes.

What is Global Warming

‘Climate change’ is used as a catch-all phrase to encompass the effects of global warming, the increase in temperature caused by greenhouse gases and the Northerly drift of hotter climates. However, bear in mind that the climate change may work in the opposite direction. Temperatures may reduce as the gulf stream moves much further south, northerly winds become more common and air pollution and cloud cover have a greater impact. This article will take the prevailing view that climate change means gardeners can expect to have a progressively more Southern Mediterranean set of problems and opportunities to face.

Advantages of Global Warming

  • New plants will thrive in the new conditions. Seek out plants that thrive in hot and tropical climates.
  • Dependent on the rainfall it is likely we will experience less lush growth
  • Food production could increase. Plan some irrigation in your fruit and vegetable gardens. New types and varieties will be available, longer seasons and double cropping will be possible
  • Better weather will encourage more leisure time in the fresh air

Garden Design for Globally Warmed Gardens

  • For ideas look at formal gardens in Italy and other areas that have a hotter climate than your natural environment.
  • Plan your shade and make natural features work to your advantage.
  • Use natural materials that are suitable for hot areas such as pebbles and rock rather than lawns.
  • Remember dark colours attract and hold heat, whilst light colours tend to reflect heat.
  • Plan to mulch and offer shade with stone and design features.
  • Think about all the seasons. Herbs will be available for longer, more frequent crops may be possible, seeds could germinate easily but day light length will not change.
  • Allow for evaporation when planning a water feature

Do not worry Global Warming will be progressive rather than instantaneous. We will doubtless enjoy all the vagarities of the British climate for many gardening seasons to come.

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