Leaf Collectors
Posted: February 18th, 2011 | Author: hortoris | Filed under: Tools and Equipment | No Comments »In February it is the last chance to clear up any leaves that are gathered in corners or under hedgerows. Wet and soggy leaves will decay and it is natural to allow them to return to the soil unless they are in the wrong spot such as on a lawn.
Leaf Mold or Rotting Leaves
- Rotting leaves have negligible food value but attract worms.
- When collected, leaves are best left to rot down for longer than normal compost at least 2 years. For that reason they should be kept separate in a wire leaf bin or a black plastic bag with air holes.
- Rotting leaves do not get hot like compost.
- When well rotted the leaf mold can be crumbled and used as a seed/potting compost.
Collecting Leaves
- A spring tined rake is used for small areas, possibly with plastic hands to pick the pile up for bagging.
- A lawn mower can pick up many leaves off a lawn and shred them. Shredders are an optional extra on some lawn mowers.
- The picture is of a gang mower device for collecting leaves off a large grassed area. The leaves look like they are collecting themselves.
- Leaf blowers and vacuums are a more expensive but efficient way of collecting your leaves.
The Leaf Collectors Handbook – is about collecting herbarium specimens
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