Unwanted Garden Dogs Cats & Other Animals
Posted: April 30th, 2011 | Author: hortoris | Filed under: Pests and Problems | 1 Comment »Some pets like dogs and cats plus other animals can be a pest in the garden.
Their crimes are eating the wrong thing, digging in the wrong area, turning grass brown with urine and leaving a mess.
The worst offenders are rabbits, cats, mice, deer, pigeons and dogs including foxes.
Animal Deterrents
- Cats and dogs scrape and dig often in the friable soil where you have planted precious seedlings. They can be frightened off with a sonic sound device like the one above.
- Scent can scare off many animals. Old wives tales of lion or elephant dung may be far fetched but Retnardine sprayed on seems to work.
- Rabbits and deer can be fenced out of your garden with special mesh, wire or high fences. That way the pesky blighters will go elsewhere for breakfast.
- Birds are scared off brassica crops by special scarers, scarecrows or more effectively by netting and string.
- Mice have eaten lots of my bulbs this year and when I plant new ones I will put a mesh over them before the soil is replaced as protection.
- Rats I have had to poison as they bred around my compost heap.
- Slugs are a whole new ball game
Animal repellers from Amazon
Sonic Repeller
I was asked about dog problems at our local crown green bowling club. Apart from the treatments above the only answer would be a 24 hour patrol!
Dog vs Garden – Year II by Todd Dwyer CC BY-SA 2.0 ‘It looks like the dog is ahead on points.
[...] Tubers, corms and bulbs can be damaged by grubs or critters. Prevention is the best care see vine weevils and Unwanted Garden Animals [...]